Welcome to my online literary studio.

As the daughter of a former Catholic nun caught by a fisherman, I grew up writing in notebooks along the Mississippi River. Today, I find inspiration in the depths of Lake Superior, where I live with my husband and our three tsunamis.

My short stories, personal essays, magazine pieces, and my literary memoir, Newlyweds Afloat, are about topics I love: spirituality, relationships, adventure, the Great Lakes, and the incredible people who live and create here.

I come from a long line of Norwegian and Irish storytellers. (Schneiderhan is my married name.) I see my role as a writer as a craftsperson in the folk style. My artistic focus is on process, collaboration, and experimentation. The off-balance moments inspire risk-taking. I am especially interested in the melding of different art forms, how other artistic mediums influence our work as writers.

I’m glad you’re here.