Literary Writing
Read some of my creative nonfiction here:
The Writer’s Desk, Brevity.
“Chicks with Picks,” The Great Lakes Review.
“Iron Man,” Lake Superior Magazine.
“Divorce – Chicago Style,” Diverse Voices Quarterly.
“The Deeps,” Literary Mama.
“The Artist as Monk,” From the Pews in the Back: Young Women and Catholicism.
“How I Became a Russian Citizen,” Slow Trains.
More blogs From the Pews in the Back
Read some of my short stories here:
“Idle,” The Bookends Review.
“Focal Point,” Finalist for First Annual Fiction Prize, Hypertext Magazine. (*Where I made a key error and called a male moose a buck instead of a bull, but the story was named Honorable Mention in any case.)
“Simon Faces Due East,” The Thunderbird Review.
“Population 1276,” The Nemadji Review.
“Dead During the Brewers Game,” The Thunderbird Review.
“A Noble Path,” Annalemma, Summer 2008.
“The Chapter of Faults,” Mars Hill Review.
“Sugar Water,” Lit 9.
“Undercurrents,” Big Muddy: Journal of the Mississippi River Valley.
And there’s poetry, but only in print:
“Summer Afternoon in the Kitchen,” The Freshwater Review, Winner of the
Rose Warner Prize for Poetry.
“Separation Anxiety,” The Freshwater Review.
“Another Season,” Migrations: Poetry and Prose for Life’s Transitions, Wildwood Press,